Whitsbury Village

Amenities and Services

Local Social Media Feeds

Facebook - Whitsbury
Facebook - Fordingbridge Town Council
Facebook - Sandleheath Community Association
Facebook - Rockbourne Village Hall
Facebook - Damerham Village Hall
Facebook - New Forest National Park
Website - Damerham Fair

Whitsbury Welcome Leaflet

The following leaflet provides information on services in Whitsbury. This is provided where possible to new arrivals but may be useful to all. For a copy please click here.

Medical Services

Doctors Surgery:    Fordingbridge Surgery, Bartons Road, Fordingbridge, Hants SP6 1RS

Patient Line: 01425 653430

24 Hour Help and advice: 111

Emergency: 999

Self Help via practice web-site click here

Dental Practice:    Highfield House, Bartons Road, Fordingbridge, SP6 1JD

Contact Telephone : 01425 652331

Practice web site and opening times here.

Post Offices

Post Office services can be obtained at the following local post offices:

Post Ofice opening times and locations are here

Bus Services

Two buses serve the Village the No 49 and the No 62

For the timetable please see the following Bus Times.

Other Transport Options

Two Bridges Care Group - Telephone 07391 804222

Refuse Collection

Refuse collection day is collected weekly on a Friday with

If you forget collection dates the bags provided by the council do have the dates on.

Bottles and Glass

Bottles and glass are collected once per month in the black plastic open boxes.

Collections are on a Tuesday on Green weeks, see calendar here.

Never forget to put your glass recycling box out again, sign up for the NFDC text reminder service.

Garden Waste

Garden Waste is collected in the Green sacks whch need to be purchased from the county council in Ringwood. Further information can be found here.

Household Waste Recycling Centre

The nearest household waste recycling centre is at Somerley near Ringwood

Somerley Recycling Centre

Bulky Household Waste Collection

The council will collect bulky items such as Beds, mattresses, washing machines, fridges and freezers etc. for a fee (Currently £23)/ Please see the NFDC Link here.

Village Defribillator

The Village defribillator is also located at the Village Hall to the right of the main entrance doors next to the notice board.

Broadband and Internet Access

There are two main internet infrastructure providers:

Wessex Internet can provide internet (Fibre to Premesis) with speeds available up to 1Giga Bit/sec, depending on contract.

BT provide Infinity broadband (Fibre to Cabinet) to the Village at down load speeds of 20 to 40 Mbits/sec.

Other service providers may be available using there infrastructure networks

Mobile Phone Reception

Mobile phone reception is very poor to non-existent. A phone which is able to operate over wireless is a good idea if you want to receive mobile calls.

Local Repair Cafes

Repair Cafes can be a useful resource to re-service and repair items so they can have an extended life and prevent the need to re-purchase with all of the green consequences that that brings. There are 2 repair cafes in the local area.

Fordingbridge Repair Cafe is held on every third Saturday of the month from 10am to 1pm in the Avonway Annex Room. See details at https://www.fordingbridgegreenerliving.org/repair-cafe/

Lover Repair Cafe is held normally every Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 12pm at Redlynch Village Hall. see details at https://redlynch.org.uk/lover-repair-cafe/


Reporting Problems to the County Councils

A myriad of problems can be reported through the Countly Council websites Problem Reporting Systsems from road condtions, pot holes, flooding, tree problems and paving problems etc.


How do we help improve the condition of the local road network?

Health and Safety Useful Information

Tick Awareness Poster