Whitsbury Village

Parish Council News

Here you will find links to the Whitsbury Parish Council Meeting Minutes and Future Dates.

The Whitsbury Parish Council are comprised of the following village members

Chair Person Mr Graham Thompson
Members: Mr Geoffrey Dominey
  Mr Chris Harper
  Mr Steve Husher
Ms Hillary Sutton
Parish Clerk Mr Edward Hale

Parish Council Agenda

Date Description Link
29th July 2024 Parish Council Agenda PDF Doc Here

Parish Council Minutes

Date Description Link
15th May 2024 Parish Council Meeting  Minutes PDF Doc Here
15th May 2024 Assembly Minutes PDF Doc Here
Date Description Link
 15th May 2024 Accounts PDF Doc Here

Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)

Date Description Link
24th June 2024 Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance & Accountability Return (Exempt Authority) - Accounts for the Year ended 31 March 2021
PDF Doc Here
15th May 2024 Cerificate of Exemption - AGAR 2023/24 Form 2 PDF Doc Here

Future Parish Council Meetings


Parish Council

Contact Your Parish Council Here or e-mail the Clerk

Whitsbury Village Plan (2022)

The revised Whitsbury Village Plan can be found here. This document was generated during 2022 following questionnaires sent out to all villagers. The plan is to review the plan every 10 years. The plan will be used to guide village activities in the various forums.

District Council

Your Downlands and Forest district councillor represents you on New Forest District Council. The District Council is responsible for local services, including planning, council housing, and rubbish collection.

Surgeries (From Cllr Edward Heron Hampshire County Council)

I will be holding regular virtual surgeries (using Zoom) on the last Friday of each month for residents to discuss any issues or raise any concerns they may have with me. To book a slot I would be grateful if residents could email me (edward.heron@hants.gov.uk) no later than 5pm on the preceding Monday. They will need to provide their postal address as I only offer these appointment to residents of the Lyndhurst & Fordingbridge Division. For residents who are unable to make use of a virtual surgery appointment I am happy to arrange a telephone or in-person meeting. This can either be arranged by email or by telephoning 07738 289889.


To receive Edward Herons newsletter please visit www.cllredwardheron.com

Parish Council Minutes Archive

This page contains the previous minutes for your reference. Click Here for ARCHIVE.