Welcome to Whitsbury Village Website
Here you will find information about our community. This website is intended to be a resource and knowledge hub for residents and visitors and anyone else who has an interest in Whitsbury. The Tabs on the left of this page will take you to sub pages of interest.
Latest Update: 6th March 2025
Village News and Notices
Parish Council Minutes Available
Minutes from the Whitsbury Parish Council Meeting held on 25th January cxan be found here.
Special Parish Council Meeting
A special meeting of Whitsbury Parish Council was held on Monday 25th November to consider the Planning Application for the Training Yard (Majors Farm/Whitsbury Stables).
The minutes can be found here.
All documents and comments can be found on the NFDC Plannning area under submission 24/10939
- Please be considerate over bonfires!
- We continue to receive complaints of some residents burning their waste on bonfires. We would ask that residents be considerate to their neighbours and avoid having garden bonfires at this time.
- Smoke from bonfires can aggravate health issues for vulnerable residents, cause additional stress to those trying to enjoy their outside space, and the risk from uncontrolled fires could impact on an already stretched fire service.
- If you are subjected to the above; then, to maintain good neighbour relations, you may wish to discuss the matter with your neighbour(s) or the manager etc. of the neighbouring premises if it is a business, as they may not be aware that there is a problem.
- NFDC advise residents to store their waste until it can be collected or composted. Should frequent bonfires which impact on another property continue to occur, residents may wish to make a formal complaint see http://www.nfdc.gov.uk/bonfires if it is a constant problem.
New Edition of The Courier
The Aug/Sep edition of The Courier can be found on the St Leonards Church page or click here
Village Newsletter Spring 2024 available
We hope you enjoy the latest village newsletter it will be delivered to all houses in the village as a paper version.
If you would prefer an electronic version a PDF version can be downloaded here.
Village Broadband Update - Installation Underway !!
Well we are now able to connect to Giga bit broadband. Houses are now being connected and some have now gone live with the new lightning fast service!!
Wessex Internet are out and about in the village installing conduit and wiring. There are three phases as follows:
Garden Install - where the Wessex Internet engineers run the fibre cable across your garden to your house and get the fibre ready for connection.
House Install - The fibre is terminated and a connection box installed within your house at your chosen location.
House Commission - The installation is checked and the router installed to provide the superfast broadband.
If you have registered interest it is now possible to order your broadband from Wesex Internet. The best method is to call the sales line on 0333 240 7997 or you can apply onine via www.wessexinternet.com
4 levels of service are available as shown below:
Whitsbury Problem Reporting
If you see a problem in Whitsbury regarding roads, potholes, footpaths, trees, flooding or drainage there are a number of ways of getting the problem logged and resolved. Hampshire County Council (HCC) has various reporting systems which we can connect into to report issues and get help.
Individuals can independently report items through the HCC online system or you can raise something at admin@whitsbury.com and we will make sure it gets reported.
A new web page has been added to show what has been raised in the village and what is awaiting resolution.
Whitsbury Village Plan -2022
We have now published the revised Whitsbury Village Plan. (Click title above)
Many thanks to everyone who responded we have collated the resuts and devloped a revised village plan which will be used to guide activities at Parish Council level. M
any thanks to the plan committee that pulled it all together.
An action plan has been developed as part of the plan and this will be worked through in the coming months.
The main items raised by the community are as follows:
Speeding Vehicles
Digital Connectivity (Mobile Phones and Broadband)
Road Maintenance
Community Integration
The Village Plan is available electronically here, there are some hard copies in the Village Hall and if you wish to have a hard copy then please contact admin@whitsbury.com
Pilates Classes at the Village Hall
Pilatues classes are now running on a Tuesday evening (18:30 to 19:30) and Wednesday morning (09:30 to 10:30) at the village Hall.
Speed Limits In Whitsbury
The Parish Council has passed a motion as follows:
Supports the 20’s Plenty for Hampshire campaign;
Calls on Hampshire County Council to implement 20mph in Whitsbury; and
Will write to Hampshire County Council to request that the county
(1) makes 20mph the default speed limit in places where people live, work, shop, play or learn, throughout Hampshire leaving 30mph as the exception on those roads where full consideration of the needs of vulnerable road users allows a higher limit; and
(2) allocates a ring-fenced amount from public health, sustainability and transport budgets to enable 20mph to be implemented county-wide within three years
Events and Activities
If anyone wants to share an event please send an e-mail to admin@whitsbury.com with details and we can publish via these pages.
Viewing tips: Recent site changes are shown at the foot of this page if you go to a page and it doesn't seem to have updated if you 'Refresh' your browser the changes should become visible.
Upcoming Events
Date | Description | Location | Time |
9th March 2025 | Holy Communion | St Leonards | 09:30 |
23rd March 2025 | Parish Worship | St Leonards | 11:00 |
30th March 2025 | 4th Sunday of Lent (Mothering Sunday) | St Leonards | 17:00 |
14th April 2025 | Parish Council Meeting | Village Hall | 19:00 |
17th April 2025 | Coffee Morning (With easter eggs for the children !!) | Village Hall | TBD |
9th June 2025 | Parish Council Meeting | Village Hall | 19:00 |
28th July 2025 | Parish Council Meeting | Village Hall | 19:00 |
20th October 2025 | Parish Council Meeting | Village Hall | 19:00 |
TBD | Harvest Supper | Village Hall | TBD |
Site Updates and Recent Changes
02/01/25 Amenities updated, this page updated
10/02/25 PC Minutes added, phone no added for two bridges care group
06/03/25 Front page tidy up
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